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Take Your Mailroom to the Next Level

Spotlight on Technology

Take Your Mailroom to the Next Level

Work looks different these days, and so should the mailroom. Amid technology gains, hybrid work, and faster service levels, traditional mail services can seem old-fashioned, but that’s only if you don’t see the present opportunity to rethink how we do mail. IST mail services bridge the gap between cost-effective solutions and reliable services to increase efficiencies in any mailroom. 


Stop Thinking of the Mailroom as One Space


If Digital Mail isn’t a part of your mail services, it should be. This product removes the need to visit a physical mailroom to receive mail, so as hybrid and remote work expands, communication still flows. As mail is received and scanned, it becomes data stored locally within an electronic document management system, like IST DocStor. Recipients are notified via email or internal networks with a URL notification to view their mail within DocStor.

Digital Mail eliminates the physical act of delivering mail, supports a paper-free office, and securely stores information. It can reduce the need for physical office space, helping minimize costs, or provide an opportunity to utilize the available space for future growth. 


Secure Locker Systems, currently used at multiple universities, expands package retrieval beyond restrictive mailroom hours. Working in conjunction with our proprietary MSPT software, the chain of custody tracks every step, from notifying the recipient when a package is securely stored to when it is retrieved.

This system makes the workplace experience more positive, especially for hybrid employees, by allowing package pickup at their convenience and alleviating mailroom clutter. Users also receive the cost-saving labor benefit of one delivery action versus repeated delivery attempts. 

Find Faster Solutions for High-Volume Mail


We may utilize email and more electronic processes these days, but mail is here to stay, and package delivery has only increased through e-commerce like Amazon. The influx of mail and package delivery means greater traffic and an increased need for accuracy. 

MSPT, IST’s proprietary software, contains multiple modules that support reliable mail services and has the capability to serve high-volume environments. MSPT’s power is in documenting each service step through our barcoding system, so receiving and sending mail is traceable and transparent throughout the chain of custody. Users can identify the exact misstep and correct future processes if an error occurs. This efficiency benefits the following modules within MSPT: Outgoing Mail Imaging and Package Track, Certified Mail, and Mail Sort with Voice Recognition. MSPT uploads data to IST Suite, informing users of all active transactions and the volume of deliverables. 


For universities, medical facilities, and corporations, a mailroom can become unmanageable quickly, especially when receiving packages. Last year, we introduced the IST Kiosk at the university level, transforming cluttered processes and long wait times into a fast and adaptable service. The IST Kiosk integrates with MSPT through scanning IDs to replace manual processes, allowing workers to serve multiple customers simultaneously, drastically reducing wait times. Users check in using the IST Kiosk, and once the package is retrieved, a screen displays their name and station for pickup.


Currently in use at Loyola University Maryland, the IST Kiosk helped combine faculty and staff mail processing from another mail room into the student mailroom, saving valuable space in the copy center and making mail operations more efficient. 


Time is more compelling than ever when measuring the quality of service. Including these cost-effective technologies can affirm your mailroom as an extension of efficiency and accuracy. 

The Modern Mailroom


A paper-filled manual mailroom reflects a dated operation. With new workspaces and demands, mailrooms have an essential opportunity to adapt and increase their performance.


Find the right applications that take your mailroom to a modern audience and elevate your reach to new heights. 

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