Advanced Artificial Intelligence

Advanced Artificial Intelligence

Unlocking Insights with IST's Advanced AI in eDiscovery

The legal landscape is shaped by generative AI tools and at IST we use those tools to find critical content faster. AI helps review teams find information rich areas of focus beyond traditional search terms and analytics.


Speed is pivotal in an industry forged by billable hours and IST's mission has always been to streamline Digital Forensics, eDiscovery and Document Review processes, so our clients can save time and money. This is done by integrating advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to elevate performance.


Improve decision-making, accelerate reviews, and reduce human error with the following Advanced AI tools:

IST Consulting
Image Recognition

Beyond categorizing images, this tool will revolutionize the way your teams search and interact with visual data, streamlining discovery processes and enhancing analytical depth.

IST Vendor Management

Text Analysis

Elevate the understanding of communication tones (Sentiment), key themes including document summarization, and linguistic diversity across your document sets to inform more nuanced strategies.

IST Vendor Management

Language Translation

Seamlessly bridge language barriers with a click of a button, ensuring that no critical information is lost in translation.

IST Vendor Management

Named Entity Recognition

Named entity recognition can automatically identify relevant entities such as names of individuals, organizations, PII, PHI, and locations within documents. This facilitates compliance efforts by quickly identifying key players and related entities, streamlining the review process and enabling proactive responses to inquiries.

IST Vendor Management

Speech to Text

Unlock the full potential of multimedia content, making every spoken word a searchable resource in the review. This allows legal teams to efficiently locate specific testimony, identify key points, and extract relevant evidence while eliminating the wasted time and complexity of video/audio in discovery.

IST’s flexible solutions integrate these advanced technologies to handle the largest, most complex datasets. Our systems offer unmatched stability and scalability, ensuring smooth operation even when confronted with substantial data volumes that might impede other platforms, thus preventing costly delays. IST Discover-E empowers your teams to accelerate their workflow, reduce waiting times, and access information in real-time.


Your workflow is bolstered by our team of experienced project managers, all sourced from AMLAW100 firms. With over a decade of experience facilitating swift eDiscovery processes, our project managers are committed to shepherding each client's project from start to finish. Whenever you need assistance or information, we ensure prompt responses with precise answers.

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